Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thank you, to my friends @ ALLotts School for all my cards & my gifts they brightened my day, & Briley too I miss you all so much!

Brooke hanging out in the room tonight enjoying all of the gifts everyone has sent her, after a fun day at the Zoo!!!


  1. Hey Brooke!
    We miss you here at Lotts! We are so proud of you!!! Keep being strong!!! We'll see you when you get back!!!
    "Lotts" of love!
    Mrs Deedee

  2. Brooke,

    We miss you and can't wait for you to get back to Lotts. I am so thankful you are doing so well. You take care and do everything they tell you to in order to get better.

    See you soon,
    Mrs. Parker
    Lotts Library

  3. Hi Brooke! It's great to see your smile! I'm glad your surgery went well. I look forward to seeing you at Lotts when you get back. Rest up and I will see you soon!

    Michal Resha
    Physical Therapist, Lotts

  4. Hey Brooke!
    School is not fun without you. I miss you. your friend,

  5. Good Morning sweet girl,
    I sure do miss you. I have tried to post a message a couple of times but couldn't get them to go through so let's try again. I am so very proud of you. We are all looking forward to your return to Knoxville and to school. You are in my thoughts and in my prayers. See you soon.
    Mrs. Menhinick
